Mental Health has to do with One's emotional well-being, especially with reference to one's outlook on life, ability to cope with stress, or the absence of a mental disorder. Seeing the busyness of our today’s society, it is important we take our health seriously especially our mental health. The Place of God can’t be replaced in our lives as believers but at the same time, it’s not to say we should neglect our part in ensuring that we have a good balance in all that we do. It is vital to have motivation in life, what is your motivation in life? What are those things that keep you going even when the road is rough? As individuals, we should have a personal well we draw our motivations from. Mental disorder in the community is most times underestimated which isn’t supposed because the state of one's mental health plays a big role in one's productivity and relations to life in general. Mental challenges represent a huge lacuna in one's life and should be placed at a ...