To everything in this world, there are principles governing them. There have to be planting season before harvest.

These principles are without exception, no wonder the Bible says "see a man diligent in his work, he will seat with kings and not mean men". Biblical principles of prosperity are very much applicable to all men.

It is quite unfortunate that believers do not take full advantage of the grace presented to them.

Some may ask, How do I operate in God’s economy as a Christian?

Having establish that there are principles/law governing the earth. To thrive or excel in any sphere on Earth, you need to take cognizance of these principles. As Christians, God commanded us to have dominion here on earth while preparing for the kingdom.

Believers are expected to call the shots in every sphere, we are meant to lead in all fairs of life.  (be it in Media sector, politics, education, etc.)

There are no shortcuts to prosperity, only fool thinks there are. Prayers and Fasting can not make you rich if you don't work.

The scriptures bade us that, Let Your Yes be Yes and No be No. Also " whatever you do, do it as unto the Lord. These scriptures, speaks about INTEGRITY and DEDICATION.

Integrity is one of the vitals we need as Christians to thrive in any career/business. Many Christians lack integrity, what do people say about you? How dedicated to work are you?

Can people trust you well enough with an idea, product, or service? A good name is better than riches remember. Trust is not a gift, you have to earn it. Build integrity, imbibe it in your day-to-day affairs!

Being creative doesn't guaranty prosperity, but creativity and integrity in any sphere of life stands you out. It creates uniqueness which stands you out of the crowd and sets you apart. Don't just Be creative, also have integrity! Let people believe your words.

Once people can trust you for every words you say, they will literally be the ones to spread the news about you. Don’t neglect the importance of feedbacks.

Jesus at some point needed feedbacks from his disciples, he asked them, "who do people say I am"?

Feedback gives you the corrections, ideas, and hints you need to improve.

We need God in our careers. When making plans in regards to your career God MUST be involved. You can always start small, you don’t have to wait till you get it all before taking that step.

Mind your friends. Build friends that will build your positive dreams and inspire you to greatness. NETWORK!

The principles governing multiple streams of income are the same that govern increase, sowing, and reaping.  Plant, don't be in a hurry to harvest. Be patient with your fruit, Harvest when it right, Reinvest some of the harvests, enjoy some of it, and don’t forget the God factor (key to Success).

In all don’t just be a hearer or spectator, ACT! When that idea strikes, don’t silence it with negativity, feed it with actions, positive “HOWTOs” and ACT!

The best way to start is to start and when do you start…..START NOW!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Leadership Edge4 May 2021 at 07:24

      Please remember to share our posts

  2. I'm so much Blessed by this well articulated write-up.

    1. Leadership Edge4 May 2021 at 07:23

      Thank You.
      Please remember to always share our posts.


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